Pastoral Team
Fr. Dr. Tadeusz Pajurek
Parish Priest
Date of Birth
Date of Ordination
Bishop’s Vicar for Personnel
Chairman of the Archdiocesan Committee for Sacred Architecture
Member of the Council of the John Paul II Centre
Moderator of the Lublin District
Member of the Priestly Council
President of the John Paul II Centre Board
Position: Parish Priest, since 2015-06-22
Fr. Pajurek meets parishioners by appointment, either in person or by phone at +48 81 527 23 77 (after hearing the greeting, please press the number 2 on your phone).
Assistants Priest
fr. Emil KanciR
Date of Ordination: 2005-05-28
Degrees: M.A. (Theology)
Roles: Catechist at Primary School No. 28, Lublin, sports and tourism referent
Spiritual Director of: Home Church, Miraculous Medal, Children’s Oasis, Youth Schola
Prepares young people for Confirmation
Position: Assistant Priest, since 01.07.2019
Fr. Grzegorz Krupa
Fr. Grzegorz Krupa
Date of Ordination: 2012-06-02
Degrees: M.A. (Theology)
Roles: Catechist at Primary School No. 28, Lublin, Website Administrator
Spiritual Director of: Legion of Mary, Home Church, Knights of St. Michael Archangel, Children’s Schola
Position: Assistant Priest, since 01.07.2017
fr. Michał bijak
Date of Ordination: 2016-06-04
Degrees: M.A. (Theology)
Roles: Catechist at Primary School No. 28, Lublin
Spiritual Director of: Renewal in the Holy Spirit “New Jerusalem,” Militia Immaculatae, KSM “Libertatem,” Radio Maryja Friends Circle
Roles in the Deanery: Youth Ministry Deanery Chaplain
Position: Assistant Priest, since 01.07.2020
fr. Piotr Szymanek
Data święceń: 2010-05-29
Tytuły: mgr, lic (teologia)
Funkcje: katecheta, szkoła: Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 28 im. Synów Pułku Ziemi Lubelskiej
Opiekun wspólnot: Ministranci, Lektorzy, Domowy Kościół, Wspólnota Adoracji Najświętszego Sakramentu, Stowarzyszenie Trzeźwościowe Rodzina (AA)
Stanowisko: wikariusz, od 01.07.2021
fr. Ryszard Jurak
Retired Parish Priest
Date of Ordination: 1969-06-14
Roles: Member of the John Paul II Centre Council, Church Assistant for the Archdiocesan Family of Schools
Position: Resident Priest, since 01.07.2015
fr. Mariusz Szymaniak
Resident Priest
Date of Ordination: 2001-06-02
Degrees: M.A. (Theology)
Roles: Employee at the Department of Catholic Education
Position: Resident Priest, since 01.07.2022
Former Parish Members
Fr. Mariusz Karczmarczyk
Date of Ordination: 2006-06-03
E-mail: m.karczmarczyk(wpisz znak @)
Degrees: M.A. Licentiate (Spirituality), M.A. (Theology)
Roles: Catechist,
School: Primary School No. 28 named after the Sons of the Lublin Infantry Regiment
Position: Assistant Priest, from 01.07.2015 to 30.06.2023
Date of Ordination: 2006-06-03
E-mail: p.iracki(wpisz znak @)
Degrees: M.A. Licentiate (Pastoral Theology), M.A. (Theology)
Roles: Catechist,
School: Primary School No. 28 named after the Sons of the Lublin Infantry Regiment
Position: Assistant Priest, from 01.07.2015 to 30.06.2021
Assistant Priest
Ordination Date: 2013-06-01
Email: kpkrzaczek (insert @)
Degrees: M.A. (Theology)
Roles: Deputy Church Assistant for KSM Archdiocese of Lublin, Chaplain at the Lublin Archdiocesan Youth Pastoral Centre, Director of the Diocesan School of New Evangelization „Miriam”
Roles: Catechist,
School: Primary School No. 28 named after the Sons of the Lublin Infantry Regiment
Position: Assistant Priest, from 01.07.2016 to 01.07.2017
Resident Priest in the Parish of the Holy Family and since 2017 a PhD student at the Faculty of Theology, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Dogmatic Theology).
Data święceń: 1996-05-25
E-mail: roman.knys(wpisz znak @)
Tytuły: mgr (teologia)
Funkcje: czł. Zarządu Funduszu UNITAS katecheta, szkoła: Gimnazjum Nr 11 im. por. mar. Mariana Tadeusza Mokrskiego
Asystent kościelny CENTRUM „Koordynacja Wspólnot Odnowy w Duchu Św„. Czł. Zespołu ds. nowej ewangelizacji archidiecezjalny koordynator Wspólnot Odnowy w Duchu Świętym
Stanowisko: wikariusz, od 2007 do 01.02.2017 roku
Mianowany proboszczem Parafii w Kaniem k. Chełma
Vocational Calls from the Parish
Fr. Paweł Janczak
Fr. Wojciech Komosa
Fr. Wojciech Stasiewicz
Fr. Attila Honti
Fr. Łukasz Kukier
Fr. Michał Kulczycki, Capuchin
Sister Anna Kot, Missionary
Sister Elżbieta Tomasik, in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Beta Family
Sister Anna Kotyra, in the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Hedwig the Queen, Servants of the Present Christ
Those Who Have Gone to the Lord
Master of Theology
Honorary Canon of the Lublin Archcathedral Chapter
Born June 30, 1960, in Krasnystaw
Ordination Date: December 15, 1984
Vicar in the following parishes:
- Karczmiska (1984-1988)
- Lublin, Church of the Conversion of St. Paul (1988-1995)
- Świdnik, Church of the Mother of the Church (1995-1997)
- Świerże (1997-1998)
- Chełm, Church of Christ the Redeemer (1998-2001)
- Lublin, Church of Our Lady of the Rosary (2001-2004)
- Parish Priest of Borowica (2004-2007)
- Resident at the Holy Family Parish in Lublin (from 2007)
Died on November 14, 2021
Rest in Peace
Date of Birth: May 30, 1935, in Leszczowa Górna
Ordination Date: April 18, 1960
Degrees: MA (Theology)
Died on Saturday, July 8, 2017, in Lublin hospital, aged 83.
Fr. Stefan Orzeł was an honorary canon of the Lublin Chapter.
He received the sacrament of ordination on April 18, 1960, in Lublin.
He served in the priesthood for 58 years.
He was buried in the cemetery at Lipowa Street in Lublin.
Rest in Peace